Kellan Lutz wants you to know that Kellan Lutz helps little old Lutzy ladies

These are some wonderful new photos of Kellan Lutz and non-Kellan Lutz, otherwise known as Nikki Reed. Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed often get stuck together doing Twilight promotion, and it looks like this last promotional tour will be no different. Kellan and Nikki made appearances in Dublin over the weekend, meeting face-to-Lutz with Irish

These are some wonderful new photos of Kellan Lutz and non-Kellan Lutz, otherwise known as Nikki Reed. Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed often get stuck together doing Twilight promotion, and it looks like this last promotional tour will be no different. Kellan and Nikki made appearances in Dublin over the weekend, meeting face-to-Lutz with Irish Twihards, signing Twihard things and posing for Lutzy Twihard photos. I really have to ask: would you really want your photo taken with Kellan Lutz? I think I might. I wouldn’t wait in line for Kellan Lutz, but if I ran into Kellan Lutz, I would make Kellan Lutz pose for photos. You know Kellan Lutz probably makes a great Lutzy duckface.

By the way, did you know that Kellan Lutz goes out of Kellan Lutz’s way to help out Lutzy little old ladies? True story! Kellan Lutz humbly discusses Kellan Lutz’s heroic and beautiful actions:

Kellan Lutz is a gentleman despite his fame.

“I am a big helper at grocery stores,” the muscular “Twilight” star told us during a GQ event. “The other day at the store there was an old lady that was sweet as a button — I feel like she came out of an animated movie — and I asked if she wanted some help, and we got talking. She had such great life stories, and I had fun lifting the bags she had.”

Lutz continues,“She was like, ‘Can I tip you?’ I was like, ‘No, no. I just had some time on my hands.’ ”

[From Page Six]

Hahaha, that’s SO Kellan Lutzy. Kellan Lutz just wanders around grocery stories, stalking Kellan Lutz’s new victims looking for Lutzy ladies to help. Kellan Lutz won’t even accept a tip. Kellan Lutz doesn’t even need the thanks of a grateful Lutzy nation. Kellan Lutz just likes to help people. All you need to give Kellan Lutz is a smile and your car keys and your wallet, lady. KELLAN LUTZ!!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

