Casting director says she hired Ryan Jenkins after he hit on her

Earlier today, Celebitchy wondered how in the world reality shows manage to consistently cast such sleazy people. Well, in the case of Ryan Jenkins, the deceased probable murderer of ex-wife Jasmine Fiore, he was cast on the show Megan Wants a Millionaire after he hit on the casting director on an escalator in a Los


Earlier today, Celebitchy wondered how in the world reality shows manage to consistently cast such sleazy people. Well, in the case of Ryan Jenkins, the deceased probable murderer of ex-wife Jasmine Fiore, he was cast on the show “Megan Wants a Millionaire” after he hit on the casting director on an escalator in a Los Vegas hotel. And apparently that’s about all it took. The casting director, Stuart Brazell, basically acknowledged that Jenkins was smooth and glib and cheesy, and that’s the combination she was looking for. I’m sure her casting call was full of douchebags, but obviously this guy really stood out from the pack in terms of how he approached her.

The casting director who chose the late Ryan Jenkins, the alleged killer of his ex-wife model Jasmine Fiore, spoke with Larry King Monday night to explain what she saw in the 32-year-old to place him on the VH1 reality show Megan Wants A Millionaire.

Stuart Brazell said Jenkins “was the ideal contestant for these shows. You want a big personality. You want loud. You want someone that’s entertaining and that’s going to cause conflict in the house. That’s exactly what I looked for and that’s what he was.”

Brazell said she met Jenkins, a Canadian millionaire, on an escalator at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, where she was casting for the dating show, Megan Wants A Millionaire. The show aimed at matchmaking “trophy wife” Megan Hauserman to one in a group of more than a dozen wealthy bachelors.

Brazell said of Jenkins: “First person comes over, baby, baby, baby. He hit on me.” She said that Jenkins, the wealthy son of an architect, married Fiore in a shotgun wedding three hours after meeting her at a Vegas strip club. “He text messaged me the next day and said, ‘I met the love of my life,'” Brazell told King. “This is the woman of my dreams … I would also say that he was happy to marry someone from the U.S., because he was very much looking for citizenship. I think that had a big part to do with it as well.”

Jenkins was wanted on first-degree murder charges after Fiore’s body was found mutilated and stuffed into a suitcase in a Buena Park, CA. dumpster on August 15; he was found hanged Sunday evening at the Thunderbird Motel in Hope, British Columbia, less than four days after being charged in the killing of Fiore.

[From Radar]

So who approaches a casting director on an escalator and hits on her to get a role, then turns around and gets married to a near stranger three hours later? Someone with compulsive behavior issues – and a whole host of other ones, I’m sure. It turns out Jenkins was a diagnosed sex addict who’s rage was often triggered in tandem to rejection. In 2007 he was convicted of assaulting a girlfriend in Calgary. Jenkins got 15 months probation along with counseling and sex addiction treatment. He also hit Jasmine in June while in Las Vegas and was charged with misdemeanor battery. And Radar has another interesting story from a friend of Jenkins who says all he ever talked about was sex, and he stripped naked in front of a room of people and then freaked out when two strippers wouldn’t have sex with him.

He was a jealous, controlling man who became a murderer before killing himself and now has learned exclusively that at least part of Ryan Jenkins’ rage was triggered by sexual addiction and problems.

“Sex was constantly on his mind. It’s all he talked about,” the friend told Police says Jenkins murdered his ex-wife Jasmine Fiore and disposed of her body in a suitcase before hanging himself in a Canadian hotel room. The 32-year-old had been a contestant on the reality show Megan Wants a Millionaire.

A longtime friend of his told that Jenkins’ scary temper surfaced during his 30th birthday party. His perversity was on full display as he hired two strippers and then ripped off all his clothes in front of partygoers. After a failed attempt to be with both girls, he flew into a rage.

“He was drunk and nasty,” the friend added. The party quickly ended after a display of temper that now in hindsight was a chilling sign of the emotional problems Jenkins clearly suffered from.

[From Radar]

Casting director Stuart Brazell also mentioned there was a big pr0n convention going on in Vegas when she met Jenkins. All of the pieces are falling together. I’m betting anything Jenkins had a serious drug problem too. Obviously he had no idea how to handle his temper, and that “sex addiction treatment” didn’t do any good. It’s upsetting that this guy managed to get on at least one VH1 reality show (possibly two), and passed whatever they do for background checks. He was a Canadian citizen – wouldn’t common sense tell them to also check his record there? I’ve never seen “Megan Wants a Millionaire,” but Jenkins, a man with a history of assault and documented sex addiction, was presumably left alone with women. That’s incredibly dangerous. It’d be nice if this at least led to the end of reality T.V. I’m sure it won’t. But if nothing else, shows need to really re-examine their safety precautions and start looking at cast members as people and not just profits.

Here’s Jasmine Fiore in 2006 at an ffter party for the Bull Run cross-country rally in Los Angeles. Credit:

