Anti-choice, anti-abortion activist Jessa Duggar had an abortion procedure

The Duggar family is hyper-evangelical and, for decades, their big political focus was legislating forced-birthism and advocating, in unequivocal terms, that women do not have the right to choose their own reproductive care. They are some of the most hard-right anti-abortion activists in the country, endlessly using their platform to argue that all abortions are

The Duggar family is hyper-evangelical and, for decades, their big “political” focus was legislating forced-birthism and advocating, in unequivocal terms, that women do not have the right to choose their own reproductive care. They are some of the most hard-right anti-abortion activists in the country, endlessly using their platform to argue that all abortions are wrong and that the state should force every woman to give birth every time. Now, in the post-Roe era, that means that many states refuse to allow women to get abortions or “D&Cs” (dilation and curettage procedures) even when their lives are at risk or there are fatal abnormalities with the fetus. Enter Jessa Duggar Seewald.

Jessa Duggar Seewald revealed that she suffered a miscarriage over the holidays. In the nearly 19-minute YouTube video, the 19 Kids and Counting alum, 30, shared the tragic journey of her latest pregnancy, from informing her kids about the new baby to dealing with the aftermath of the news that she had miscarried. Jessa documented in one scene on camera that she had been concerned early on in the pregnancy because she had been “spotting” blood. She relayed that her family sang the devotional hymn “Day by Day” to cheer her up.

However, upon arriving at her next ultrasound appointment, the doctor broke the terrible news that the baby did not “look good.”

“Nothing could have prepared me for the weight of those words in that moment,” Jessa said. “At that moment I was just in complete shock. I didn’t have words. I just immediately started crying.”

She said her husband, Ben Seewald, put his arms around her as the technician left the room to let them “process through the loss.”

“We were just sitting there holding hands and crying, like, ‘what do we do from here,’ ” Jessa recalled. “I feel like in some ways miscarriages can be so jarring because you don’t have clear signs of something going wrong. I had minimal spotting for 24 hours, and that was it.”

Due to risks of complications with passing the fetus at home, she said she decided to check in to a hospital to perform a dilation and curettage procedure to remove the fetus from her womb. Jessa tearfully recalled the moments leading up to the procedure, saying, “I was able to thank God in that moment for giving us this life, even if we wouldn’t be able to hold this baby in our arms.”

[From People]

She… had an abortion procedure. A member of one of America’s most famous anti-abortion, forced-birth Evangelical families had a D&C. Remember when Chrissy Teigen spoke about how she also had a D&C/abortion when she was miscarrying her son Jack? The Duggar types were trolling her endlessly and brutally about it. Now, I absolutely believe that Jessa had every right to get a D&C and I’m glad that she was able to make the decision alongside her husband and her doctor. That’s what I believe: that reproductive healthcare is a freedom and a right of all people, that Jessa’s decision to have a D&C was hers alone. The problem is that Jessa doesn’t believe that anyone else should have that right.

Just want to point out Jessa Duggar got what is considered an illegal abortion in Arkansas, as it was not too save the mother's life. It appears she may have not done the 72 hour waiting & counselling period as well.
Remember abortion will always be "legal" for the wealthy.

— ChudsOfTikTok (@ChudsOfTikTok) February 26, 2023

Screencap courtesy of YouTube.

