Pamela Andersons busted birthday outfit: dirty old lace curtain valance or not bad?

Ill say something nice about Pamela Anderson to start this off at least she hasnt jacked her face up yet. Shes tried to cling to her youth with incredibly dated, heavy-handed makeup for years now instead of resorting to Botox and fillers like so many of her contemporaries. At least I think thats the

I’ll say something nice about Pamela Anderson to start this off – at least she hasn’t jacked her face up yet. She’s tried to cling to her youth with incredibly dated, heavy-handed makeup for years now instead of resorting to Botox and fillers like so many of her contemporaries. At least I think that’s the case. It’s hard to tell under all those layers of pink, black and orange.

In Pamela’s world it’s still 1994, she’s still on Baywatch at the height of her fame and she’s still in her late 20s. That’s the only way I can explain this outfit, that strut and that makeup and hair. Only Pamela just turned 44, which is what she’s celebrating here as we await her next nip slip. These photos are from a birthday party on Saturday in Vegas. (Although her actual birthday was July first.) She’s looking really hard and busted with those penciled in eyebrows and that super low-cut lace curtain valance dress, but again it’s nothing new from her. I like her shoes, but they need a sleeker dress and a more sophisticated look to pull off.


This reminds me of those “makeunders” that Oprah did last year. There was one Canadian mom who would go out of the house looking like a porn star, or basically like Anderson, every day. Oprah’s people redid her hair and makeup to make her look like a hot mom instead of a hooker and she claimed she liked it. I imagine the woman went right back out and tarted herself up again because she couldn’t stand the lack of attention. What I’m saying is that no style intervention with Anderson would ever work. Trying to get her to wear big people clothes would be like trying to get Hugh Hefner to ditch the robe and wear khakis. It’s not going to happen.


It was even worse from the back if you can believe it.



Photo credit: Fame and WENN

