Guy Ritchies dad says Madonna is beastly

Madonnas been called a lot of harsh things over the years. Crazy. Neurotic. Narcissistic. Mental nut bag. But its got to sting just a little more when its your soon-to-be ex father-in-law whos doing the name calling. Well, to a normal person. Madonna seems to be the sort of person who lost any sense of

Madonna’s been called a lot of harsh things over the years. Crazy. Neurotic. Narcissistic. Mental nut bag. But it’s got to sting just a little more when it’s your soon-to-be ex father-in-law who’s doing the name calling. Well, to a normal person. Madonna seems to be the sort of person who lost any sense of feeling a long time ago.

Guy Ritchie’s father John had some terse words for The Sun when asked about Madonna’s behavior since the end of their marriage was officially announced.

John Ritchie said it was “horrid” to read about how Madge, 50, appeared to call Guy an “emotional retard” in front of thousands of fans at a Boston gig. She also reportedly asked him: “Did you ever actually love me?” as she felt he showed too little sympathy after she fell off a horse. Speaking from his home in Chelsea, West London, 78-year-old Mr Ritchie senior condemned his daughter-in-law’s remarks.

He said: “She’s being beastly. She is saying, ‘Did you ever love me?’ It goes back to a time when she fell off her horse and she’s blaming him for that. She’s calling him an emotional retard. When he’s being bashed by her it’s horrid.”

Her “emotionally retarded” swipe at Guy came on stage in Boston, Mass, when she dedicated a song. And she couldn’t resist ANOTHER dig during a second sell-out show in the US city. After singing the words: “Did I say something wrong?” she added: “I hope so.”

[From the Sun]

I think Madonna’s behavior has been pretty low. The swipes she’s reportedly made at Guy during her concerts are unconscionable, especially considering they have children – who I’m sure will one day hear those things. Probably sooner rather than later.

I can’t imagine having Madonna for an in-law would be a pleasant experience for anyone. I don’t blame Guy’s father for being upset. There’s two sides to every story, but Guy seems to have conducted himself with much more dignity and respect this last week than Madonna. She’s acting like a petty teenager. I think she’s trying to reestablish her “I’m a rebel” image, but there are no pointy bras left to wear. So all she can do is point fingers instead.

Here’s Guy looks stressed as he left his office in London yesterday. Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.

